Category: Productivity

  • Habit Hacking: Build Better Routines Faster Than a Marvel Superhero

    Habit Hacking: Build Better Routines Faster Than a Marvel Superhero

    Marvel superheroes aren’t just born with superpowers. They cultivate habits that enable them to maximize their powers and change the world. From Tony Stark’s innovative spirit to Captain America’s adaptability, these characters exemplify the power of habits. And guess what? You, too, can be a superhero in your own life, harnessing the power of habit…

  • A Simple “Hack” To Trick Your Brain Into Accomplishing More

    A Simple “Hack” To Trick Your Brain Into Accomplishing More

    Context: Do you find yourself failing to accomplish tasks at the end of the day and being stuck in a loop of unproductive days? I’m afraid I entirely disagree with the idea of toxic productivity wherein every hour of your day must be dedicated to doing something worthwhile (causing anxiety and distress). Instead, challenge yourself…

  • The Procrastination Antidote: Getting Things Done

    The Procrastination Antidote: Getting Things Done

    Whether you already have white teeth or you’ve just completed a whitening treatment, keep in mind that even the most diligently oral health minded people will experience yellowing over time.