Category: Anxiety

  • 18 Ways to Genuinely Improve Your Mental Health

    18 Ways to Genuinely Improve Your Mental Health

    Over six years of studying psychology, I have realised a common yet rarely accepted concept – Every human being has scope for improvement. No one is perfect. Several celebrities and entrepreneurs have frequently expressed the importance of mental health and accepted flaws publicly. We know the famous quote by James Clear – ” If you…

  • Acceptance as the Catalyst for a Misery-Free Life

    Acceptance as the Catalyst for a Misery-Free Life

    Context Wisdom is knowing what you have to accept. Wallace Stegner We go through different stages in life. Each stage teaches us valuable lessons that help us in our journey. Interestingly, when we reflect retrospectively, we realise that learning would have been faster if we had accepted our circumstances and experiences. Often, we are asked…

  • A Quick Tip for Beginner’s Restlessness During Meditation

    A Quick Tip for Beginner’s Restlessness During Meditation

    Problem: During the initial few mindfulness meditation sessions, it is natural to experience restlessness. Once you begin meditating, your mind is flooded with a glut of thoughts. These thoughts may arise from past experiences or might result from anticipations of future events. Naturally, you will come across thoughts concerning the right and wrong ways of…

  • The Procrastination Antidote: Getting Things Done

    The Procrastination Antidote: Getting Things Done

    Whether you already have white teeth or you’ve just completed a whitening treatment, keep in mind that even the most diligently oral health minded people will experience yellowing over time.